Getting Started with Wealth


What the wealthy teach their kids!

It's hard to put into words what Robert Kiyosaki has taught me about wealth. His New York Times best seller Rich Dad Poor Dad was
an amazing eye opener, shocker, epiphany and more!

The stark difference between being wealthy and being rich.

The true definition of an asset was not what I had learned or been told all my life!

Click the links below to learn more about Rich Dad Poor Dad!

If you prefer to listen to CD's click here

After you get through this book your head will be spinning with ideas. You'll wonder “Why didn't anyone teach me this before?”

The reason is very few are taught what the wealthy teach their kids. It's not in our public schools!

Don't let you mind convince you to go back to the old ways!

Be careful as you learn new ideas for wealth building as the other side of your brain will try to tell you this is crazy or it doesn't work in my town or some other excuse. To this date your mind has learned what it's learned and sometimes it's hard to understand something completely new! From this day forward you can start learning new concepts and apply them over time. Find other people with similar experiences and network!

Watch out for “Dream Stealers”

You have to believe in yourself to take this information and create fortunes and you'll have to be careful about “Dream Stealers” who will tell you
“It won't work.” Be sure and realize anyone who tries to take your dream is probably broke and working their life away… don't listen to them!
Too often this will be your closest friends and family members. Don't take it personally they are only working from their opinions and ideas NOT what you have just read and learned!

Beyond Wealth

If you feel you are doing fine with your wealth management but you need more help with advancing in life and business Jim Rohn is someone you want to have as a mentor. Jim has been a life/business philosopher for over 50 years and he's sold millions of his books and CD's. Although I've read/listened to hundreds of speakers, I want to bring the best ones to you here!
The Art of Exceptional Living is one of Jim Rohn's best! If you need a little help with the right mental attitude get this set of CD's and listen to them over and over!

Cashflow Quadrant

The next step to financial freedom is understanding cash flow and the difference between being an employee, self-employed, owning a business and owning investments. Again I cannot begin to put it into words so order the book or CD set:

Book or CD Set

Once you understand the Cash Flow Quadrant and the B-I Triangle then you are on your way to becoming wealthy!

Richdad's Guide to Investing

How and what to invest in

Secrets to Retiring young and rich (you learn rich vs wealthy)

Note: March 2009 – New books have been released and I'll need to update this page. Subscribe to our newsletters for updates and news coming soon!

View all the Rich Dad Products here:

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