

What the Health: The Startling Truth Behind the Foods We Eat, Plus 50 Plant-Rich Recipes to Get You Feeling Your Best is the groundbreaking follow-up film from the creators of the award-winning documentary  CowspiracyCowspiracy The film exposes the collusion and corruption in government and big business that is costing us trillions of healthcare dollars and keeping us sick.

What The Health is a surprising, and at times hilarious, investigative documentary that will be an eye-opener for everyone concerned about our nation’s health and how big business influences it.

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What the Health Review

It seems every impactful, meaningful, thought-provoking movie or has its critics trying to discredit everything. I understand these movies may only be one-sided but no one has ever shown me this side. The movie has upset many people and organizations who want to see the movie go away!

This tells me they are on to something!

The doctors and studies cited in the movie are not wrong in their beliefs. Actually they are living examples of people living longer, healthier lives. So why wouldn't you listen to what they have to say?

Am I a Vegan?

I'd say I'm 95% Vegan, even before I watched this movie. I've very particular about where my animal protein comes from. I don't make animal protein the center of my plate at every meal. But I also know I live in the heart of the midwest where every event, picnic, and cookout has some sort of animal protein. So occasionally I still eat meat, just not every day!

Can we all find a place in the middle?

These days everything online is so extreme. You're either for something or against it. Can't we watch this movie, become alarmed and adjust how we look at animal protein. Can we make better decisions on how we raise and treat animals? Can't we look closer at studies that promote Veganism?

What are your thoughts?

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