
If you're ready for permanent change in your life read on!

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I've heard many times “it takes 21 days to create or change a habit” but I also know the next 21 days are easy to “fall off the wagon!”

In the past I've completed a:

But the weight came back both times. I gained a lot of mental confidence from each cleanse and learned you can live without “regular eating” just fine but I went back to my old habits.. albeit I eat pretty good.. and the weight came back.

So how do you accomplish long term habits that you keep forever?

100 days, no mistakes or you start over!

You may be thinking… “in the next 100 days I have a wedding to attend and a couple of music concerts, a holiday, etc….” but that's life! Don't procrastinate and make excuses, this is YOUR life!

Do you plan to avoid public activities and live like a hermit forever… no I (we) needed to learn how to keep my focus through the “tough days.”

I realized I can't plan my cleanses and juice or green smoothie fasts when it “fits my schedule.”

I have to plow through 100 days, through the special events and holidays to make this a lifelong habit/lifestyle I keep forever!

YOUR 100 days may be different than mine but the focus and end results are likely the same!

My 100 Day Challenge focus is on multiple areas of my life and they are:

Plant-based eating
Limited animal flesh
Exercise (walking, biking, resistance training)
A gallon of water a day
Cold showers/Cold packs
Quiet time (away from technology)
Working Anytime from Anywhere
Full-time residual income
Living by the ocean
Helping others find freedom

The first key to 100-day success: Start with the end in mind

I sat back and spent some time dreaming, imagining how I want to see my life, my health, my work life, my family, friends and it's important to create a clear mental picture for the tough days ahead!

I'm not being negative but realistic, 100 days can be a long time. If you pick one topic above or choose them all like me, you have to have a strong goal, a strong mental picture of the end IF you have a tough day.

Cheat days are allowed and ok!

Be very careful with this one. Above I wrote if you miss a day you start over and I agree with that IF you only choose one topic like “stop smoking.”

I'm taking on a 100 Day challenge in multiple areas and here and there I'll miss one of them for a day and that's ok as long as you recover and come back strong the next day.

In the book The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman, Tim Ferriss outlines a “Paleo-like” eating plan where you pick one “cheat day” per week and eat anything!

I can tell you it works! In 2011 I spent 6 months on the Four Hour Body plan and lost over 30lbs, it was the start or the catalyst to my Paleo lifestyle!

Be on the lookout for what I call “Focus Creep”

Since 2011 my net weight loss is steady at 20lbs… which is great but I've lost as much as 45lbs and “focus creep” over time has brought the weight back.

Focus Creep is that temptation to just have a few beers this week and a cookie today and pasta/bread a couple of times. Before you know it they “creep” back into your diet and if you aren't tracking what you eat, you'll find you've “cheated” a few times a week for a few months and the scale will show it!

How to get started

This is probably the easiest part of the 100 Days but again get focused and concentrate on the “end goals.”

Calculate 100 days from your starting date here: https://www.convertunits.com/dates/daysfromnow/100

I suggest using a big wall calendar with a magic marker so you can put a BIG X on the days you complete your goals.

If you are looking for more specific guides on Paleo Diet, health, wealth just drop us a line here:

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