What is the Bone Broth Diet?


If you've heard the recent buzz and attention around the Bone Broth Diet and wondered why?

The answer is simple BONE BROTH WORKS! 

Bone broth has been around for centuries used to heal sickness and improve overall health. But over the past century bone broth has been moved away from the table and almost forgotten about until now.

You'd be amazed at the number of movie and TV stars drinking bone broth to get healthier, gain energy and have younger skin!

Dr KellyAnn Petrucci just released her book The Bone Broth Diet   and you may see her on TV or social media outlets. She admits she didn't invent the diet. She's simply brining back something our ancestors used and believed in for centuries!

Do you remember old time books or movies where there was a big pot on the fire with broth. Or your mom/grandmother had soup for you when you were not feeling well? It was bone broth!

There are countless resources to learn more about theBone Broth Diet . We will have more videos and articles that delve into the specifics so be sure to subscribe and follow our social media channels.

The Bone Broth Diet and Dr Kellyann on Good Morning America

Get your copy of The Bone Broth Diet book

What is Bone Broth?

Pretty simple, you add animal bones and water to a pot. Next add some spice and vegetables and bring to a boil. Then turn down and simmer for 12-48hrs. Cool, strain and you have bone broth!

Drink the bone broth like hot tea or coffee and create various soups. You can even poach eggs and drink the broth.

You can use beef bones from your butcher or if you prefer beef or pork ribs. You are looking for bones with connective tissue to get the collagen and gelatin in the broth.

Another option is chicken, turkey or any carcass even fish can also be used to create broth.

If you are vegetarian there are still many healing benefits in vegetable broth. Follow the directions above just omit the bones. You won't get the benefits of collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin and bone marrow. 

What are the benefits of Bone Broth?

Healing your gut is why bone broth works so well. If your gut isn't healthy, the rest of your body suffers.

As your gut health improves you also start to heal your digestive track and other organs.

  • You'll lose weight as your body learns to burn fat
  • Aches and pains in joints will lessen or go away
  • Your skin will tighten and reduce wrinkles
  • You will gain more energy as your body becomes more efficient
  • Constipation will lessen or go away
  • You'll look younger! Often times 10yrs younger!

How The Bone Broth Diet works

For 21 days you drink 1-2 cups of bone broth daily AND eat a natural whole foods diet. Your body needs 21 days to rebuild the gut and digestive track. The average human diet today consists of processed sugar, flour, starches and other additives.

The goal is to not eat anything with a food label for 21 days and drink your bone broth daily.

The bone broth naturally heals your gut and digestive track. Your energy levels increase as your body flushes built up toxins, fat and sludge. Your joints feel better as bone broth supplies you Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Collagen and more. Your skin will feel tighter, people report wrinkles going away and their hair improves!

How to make Bone Broth

First visit your butcher, farmers market or CSA to find grass fed animal bones. I prefer beef bones as they have more nutrients but I switch between beef, pork and foul. You're not looking for bones with a lot of meat on them but that's ok if they do. NOTE: I haven't created a fish broth yet but I'm planning to soon.

Once you have the bones at home you'll need to place them in a stock pot or slow cooker. Add vegetables of your choice, coarse chopped into large chunks. I always start with celery, carrots, onion and garlic. I then add salt (sea, Himilayan, Kosher, etc), peppercorns and parsley. You can vary and add any spice to your liking. Add oregano and basil for more of an Italian broth. Add cumin, oregano and hot peppers for more of a Mexican broth.

Bone Broth Powders to the rescue! 

IF you are busy with no time for lifestyle changes you can get the benefits of the Bone Broth Diet in powder form. Just add to hot water like you are creating a soup and drink. You can buy Bone Broth Protein by the container in different flavors or easy travel packs.

Personally I prefer to make broth and drink at home but when I'm away the powders make a great substitute! 

Bone Broth Powders, Liquids and more on Amazon

More Bone Broth Articles coming soon!

My focus in life is finding simple health solutions that create big results. Bone Broth has so many healing effects I'm surprised more people don't know about it but I know why. It's not a pill you take daily and it involves taking time out your lifestyle for food preparation.

If you're like me I not a big fan of the word “diet” but in today's world that seems to be the most common word for weight loss. I prefer term “lifestyle changes.” I  focus on learning how to eat and exercise better along with the right mindset.

We will be writing more articles and updates about our journey with bone broth and people around us!

We look forward to your joining us!

Get your copy of The Bone Broth Diet book

Learn more about Broth at WikiPedia

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