25lb body change in 10 weeks without over exercising or under eating


I know it sounds like a TV commercial but this is not!

In 10 weeks I've lost 20lbs of body fat and gained 5lbs of muscle. I eat 3-4 times a day and I'm never hungry and I exercise 2-3 times per week, 16 minutes per workout.

The catalyst or change for me was reading a book called the 4 Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss.

“The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman” (Timothy Ferriss)

You may be familiar with Tim's first best selling book the 4 Hour Workweek and he explains long before his business career he's always been a health freak.

“The 4-Hour Workweek, Expanded and Updated: Expanded and Updated, With Over 100 New Pages of Cutting-Edge Content.” (Timothy Ferriss)

The 4 Hour Body book is a guide to rapid fat loss, improved sex and feeling like a super human!

I found the book in frustration, I was injured and unable to workout, my doctor told me last summer I was borderline diabetic and close to needing high blood pressure medication. I got motivated and started eating better and exercising, up to an hour a day on a rowing machine…. but I only lost 5lbs. I was encouraged to think I was “gaining muscle” but my clothes didn't fit any better and I felt I was simply more hungry from working out… trading exercise for calories.

A few months ago I was driving back from out of state and I was hit with a sciatic nerve going down my back, through my butt and into my leg. Never had such a thing before, thought I could beat it in a week and people said it would take 4-6 weeks.

So within the first week of “injury” and no exercise I downloaded the 4HB from Audible (you can purchase, download and start listening within minutes).

The book finally helped me put together the “jigsaw puzzle” of weight management and healthy living. I had most of the puzzle pieces from past experiences and some items in the book were very familiar, but others were new.

One of the big revelations for me was there's more to weight management than “calories in and calories out.” The third focus is strategies to increase your bodies metabolism or the rate you burn calories every day…. aka: Lifestyle changes.

So instead of a two way battle “calories vs exercise” think of a triangle: Diet, Exercise, Lifestyle

The book explained how you can lose weight without exercise or starvation. I got started the next Monday and within a week I dropped 8lbs!

4HB also explains how to do just enough exercise and not over do it. Too many people just work out because it's the “thing everyone is doing” or what they've been told. Research will show the right exercise is all you need 3 times a week and beyond that you start to exchange exercise for more calories or you simply need to eat more.

People need to learn more and concentrate on increasing your metabolism vs over exercising!

It's too much to explain in one article so the first step to rapid fat loss and a healthier living is to get the book. You can purchase a print copy at your local book store or here:

Audible Audio book on your iPod/iPhone/Android/Blackberry or PC/Mac

The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman

Kindle Reader Version

On our website I've created a page/section dedicated 4HB here.

We will be adding a wiki as we add more info and expand upon the book.

In my next article I'll cover the basic overview of 4HB and important steps NOT to overlook in getting started!

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