Updated website theme, new content and more!
Today we launch the next chapter at LifeIsSoAmazing.com!
We've been busy creating and collecting great content, stories, and reviews!
Watch for updates a couple of times per week focused on:
We focus on natural whole health lifestyles but also modern science, tools, and gadgets.
We'll update everyone on our Nutri-Bullet Cleanse and Diet
We have a big section on Paleo Diets as well!
50% diet and 50% exercise doesn't work long term
Learn how to exercise less and lose more!
Learn how to eat healthier and remove chemicals and pollutants which are causing you to store body fat!
Learn to eat more fat to lose weight…. yes you read that right!
We will also talk about “Intermittent Fasting” and the Lemonade Cleanse
We know a lot of people love going to the gym but the majority don't!
Learn how to exercise from home, with simple equipment around the house!
As you advance there are great apps and programs you can watch on your smartphone, iPad even streams to your TV!
Happiness and Abundance
Two separate topics but one goal: Get all you want in life!
Stop holding yourself back, stop doubting and more!
Stop living someone else's agenda, especially that crazy person in your mind 🙂
We are here to help you!
If you have a request or question don't hesitate to ask us!
Subscribe to get updates by email below
And follow our social networking links!
Invite your friends to follow us and share the love!
To YOUR happiness in life!
Bob, Karen and the LISA team!